Darcie and I have a blend of gifts that when brought together, have an incredible ability to shift things. We are both passionate about living a Soul Led life.
In order to live a life that is led by the Soul, the Mind and the Body must be able to follow. This is where a misunderstanding of Self causes people to get stuck.
They either get their Mind on board, but their Body isn’t moving…
Sounds like “I know doing XYZ is going to be so good for me (mind), but I can’t bring myself to actually do it (body)”
Or they get their Body on board, but their Mind will not sign off…
Sounds like “I hate physically coming to work here (body), but there is no way that would work out financially (mind)!”
The Self Program is really about teaching you how to lead your Mind and your Body in a way that serves your Soul’s purpose.
Magically, it just so happens that…
The energy Darcie was designed with, is being expressed through her body, where as the energy I was designed with is being expressed through my mind.
As 5 lines both Darice and I are meant to lead others, and with the “Channel of Awakening” both of us are designed to do this thru Self Mastery. Darice, through mastery of the body, a Master of action… and me through mastery of the Mind, a Master of perspective…
When the actions and the perspectives serves an embodied Soul, the Self becomes whole. This is what our students are going to walk away with.
We are the perfect duo to lead others through the Mastery of Self with Darcie focusing on what you must DO (body), me focusing on how you must THINK (mind), and both being examples of who you must BE (Soul).
We are beyond excited and honored to bring this to you guys!